
Sunday 24 July 2016

Sunday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Another hot and humid day here. I had 3 call outs for computer work, and for me that was the last straw. I have decided that having almost reached 73, I am no longer going to be a technician, I am going to buy a little boat, and sail off into the blue!
The blog will continue however - here's tonight's effort.

The Pokemon craze invades government!

Some more of those "Just at the right moment" pictures

Owl tries to shelter from the rain...

I'm a bit doubtful about that basin!

Necessity is the mother of invention

Well, Diesel engineers have to do it somewhere!

Looking at this Baluga whale, you can see why the old mariuners
 thought that they were mermaids!

Concentrate Dad!

 Thanks Arthur!

Angela makes it real!

Thanks Derek!

When you're a lumberjack you can always fix things - with wood!

Yes we all need more cowbell!

Ooh! Look - a ginger seal (I like gingers)!

Yes you only have until 29th to get the free upgrade, after that it will cost you!

Waterspout off the coast of US

Whatever you think - it wasn't me!

Love the cousin's slogans!

Believe what you like pal - it's all fiction!
Like the helmet though!

When you know it's Merica!

Now that IS decadent!

Harwich Weather for Monday

Dry and warm with lengthy sunny intervals. South Westerly winds 10mph, gusting 20mph  Min 15c  Max 24c Chance of rain 10%
Thanks Essexweather.com

Harwich Now

Thanks for your continuing support!



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